M & D 5 / @ Officially  Intercontinental Continent ( Update 1 )  Release Date 16.04.2022 / Graphically Ensemble / 2 Quarter 2022 & Protokoll / EU / DE / Modellierung & Design 5 Public Initiative


So this Product released now 2 Quarter 2022 has different in Creational testified Protokollierungen at a Glance. So at first the Intercontinental Continent Project is now summarized with 2000 Protokolle from complete Zession 4000 ( Protokollierungen ) .It's an Update from the ( M & D 4 )  Zession & Sector. Actually i guess these Graphically Materials  from the ( M & D ) 5 Sector are  from a  Timeline  & Scale of 2016-2019 just the time of Origin of the Materials was taken. Some are 2021 / 2022.These Illustrations are World Politics & World Portrayal. You will have a Look & a Glance on a lot of all Regions & Geoecology also  Operating Orientation from distinguished  Places of Humankind. In this Era & Epoch of Intercontinental Continent ( Protokolle ) you can even get information of different offered Geography, Stock Markets. Oil Corporations,  Geoecology, Civilization, Society,Journalism, Social Values, Humanity, Mulitifold -Lingual Font, Corporation Language, Landscapes, Human Resources, Name of Prime Ministers & Emirs or Kingdoms Names as well as  Sheiks or Presidents just Professionals or Politicians or Central Bankers worldwide. But the names like already mentioned are sometimes outdated after all.So this Intercontinental Continent Project ( Update 1 )  will even be extended 2022 / 2023 to ( Update 2 ) .When this scalability of Time Phase is reached i will peculiar have Protokollierungen from present Date related to 2022 / 2023 just the Photographically Ensemble upcoming. 


This Modellierung & Design Sector ( M & D ) 5 has a special attribute carrying of the Transcontinental Act of the Middle East affiliated in Pictures. Also a lot of Infrastructure & Social Living, Detailed Spectrum of Arabian Harbours & Ports Initiative. Also the Vision 2030 from Qatar is involved also Harbours from Oman or Foreign Affairs from Iraq and different Countries & Kingdoms from the GCC and the Middle East is explicable established.  So also the African Continent with beautifully Tourism Sites & lovely Black Cultivated Civilization from the Continent also great Villages and African Civilized Humanklnd is considerated in the  (  M &D ) 5 Sector. Also the EU talk about the European Union & Parliament or  Council  is from the Configuration & Influx of Products established.So well now to tell the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( KSA ) has now 1500 Graphically Classified Created Protokolle in Addition from the date 2022 2 Quarter . All Overarching & Consolidated and Linked  just  summarized has the Arabian Sector Mohammed Bin Salman / SA  on andreaspennohphotography now 6500 Protokolle in M & D all consolidated . In Relation to this Chiffre next annual coming years also will enormous & gigantically even more follow for the ( KSA )  and its Civilization and Mohammed Bin Salman and his folk especially also for world representation and everybody . If everythings runs great just the M & D Sectors 2-5, i mean if everythings just accurately, me as an individual from Europe representing the ( KSA ) Saudi Arabia in World. Just if google accepts & tolerate the 6500 Arabian Protokollierungen, Hundreds of Graphically Protokolle could be released on google. Is reaching in possibility. 


So the Intercontinental Continent Project ( Update 1 ) is in this  Zession complete great  demonstrated & elucidated as far as the Middle East & the ( KSA ) affiliated with the other Continents just ( Intercontinental ). So a lot of Infrastructure & Technology is positioned in the Intercontinent Project.Well this ( M & D 5 ) Sector has also different in References & Recommendation as well as a Graphically Technology Tolerated Driven  System  for all People and Individuals  over the whole world and planet. It's all about World Politics  &  Economy .So The ( M & D ) 5 Session is Content of my industrial Corporation Andreas . P . Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD like the recent ( M &D ) Sectors 1-5 in Influx.  So the next individual Plateau of this Sector is also symphatically & unde great Resources to look at namely Geography &(  World Maps ) just ( Atlas ) World Atlas  Corporate & eventually World Definitions to look at. The Quantity of the Protokollierungen are 200 apiece. There you can find & or get orientation on different Topics of World Reserves & Human Civilizations Maps for Exploration and Delving around. Different Directions & Different Subjects by the ( World Maps Atlas ) is to find.So this Product of  ( M & D ) 5 Sector has eventually & finished 4000 Protokollle . Great Sourcing in the Web.


 So my Corporation  Andreas . P . Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD does create & develop Modellierung, meant Photography & Imagery  is set under arrangement & specific adjustment just scale from the picture & image and  is built on possibilities & chances for a created static picture after all. Also the Snap & Screenshot Developing  Technology from the M & D Sectors, just all pictures are created with a specific application. This all is one segment of the Modellierung. So under this object & subject Modellierung from my industry has over 7-8 Corporate Development  Technologically Directions. Also Modellierung stands for different Examples & Sourcing and techniques  for a Pattern of different methods to design.


Now next epic operation of this ( M & D 5  ) Sector like already in content of andreaspennophotography.de. oftenly appeared graphically correspondence named Tupac Amaru Shakur alias Machiavelli ( Makaveli ), so my Graphically High Professional Works about him. In this Zession & Industry  300 Products from him appearing as a photographically designer arts from me created as a statur having  already over 10.000 Influx Protokolle from the Modellierung & Designer Sectors 1-5  from Tupac Amaru Shakur the once living musician, poet & actor. So designed from a special color & pigment namely @ high intelligent functions from the App Corel. This 300 Tupac Shakur Protokollierungen are comfortable & hugh created with immense  concentration & devotion as well as flexibility and Quality.


So now back to the Intercontinental Continent Project ( Update 1 ) this Project is worthwhile to look at. So all 195 States,Nations & Countries are involved & connected. Like in the ( World Economic Model ) Weltwirtschaftsmodell  Directory from the Black Inbox Index above the Corporation, it's classified with great Human Resources .So this Sector will be the (  27 Zession ) The 26 is the Impressum . In the Geographically Budget of the (M &D) 5 Sector is also the Arctic & its Biosphere.


So the Arabian Sector of the Intercontinental Continent Project ( Update 1 )  is completely supplementary to great works done. Also different Projects from the Vision 2030 are involved and the ( PIF)  stands in Concern. Also the Countryside and Water just the Red Sea & especially NEOM or the RIG on the Gulf or  Corporations like Aramco is visible on this Product. Also KAEC and AMAALA or NEOM or the Red Sea Development Company with one Sector from this resources just Saudis working with Calligraphy .Different Infrastructure from the ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ) you can study and research even for your  Corporate Enthusiastically Knowledge of Arabia and Civilization of Saudi Arabia is to explore like serving like  a School or University  for people want to get informed from the Arabian Peninsula. Especially also from the Intercontinental Continent Project from (  M & D ) Sector  2 & 3 and 4  you have great chances to accomplish a brilliant research exploring study program & lessons to take counsciousness from the 6500 Arabian all Protokolle with this product involved. So people all over the world  from  Corporate, Business or Social reasons can start to research and graduate on this research arabian study of the ( KSA ).


So this ( M & D ) 5 Sector has ( Weltwirtschaftsmodell ) futuristic planning & futuristic handling  as well as  Infrastructure for the corporation as far as the Project ended 26.02.2022. Different more related is explained in the Impressum. It has an continuation for common driven great andreaspennophotography  future outlook . History of Corporation now in July 2022 reaching 8 Years since Foundation & Creation. The Second Grandeur  Project  is restricted & independent from the first Project ( WORLD ECONOMIC MODEL ) also the Third upcoming Project. The Second biggest project will follow soon maybe 2022 or 2023. Expectations from new projects are 2023 or 2024 exempli gratia  earlier.One of the Attributes of the  Future of this web-address after the project  from the  26.February explicable ist meant that the ( Weltwirtschaftsprodukt ) ( World Economic Model)  stands in hugh Diversification & Futuristic Planning as well as Operating Covering  as a Generator & Putting Build-Up Structure to the corporation. Coining the industry with information & resources to the  Concern even after projects End. Officially the World Economic Model is absolved & finished but has further indirect Planning & & implicit organizations principles for the future.


So the Belt and Road Initiative has in this ( M & D ) 5 Sector its 7 Passage after the first & second in the ( M  & D ) 3 Industry & the third in the 4 (  M & D ) Section. The 4 Passage from the Silk Road is in the first Portable Document Format Sector the 5 Passage is in the WORLD ECONOMIC MODEL Sector from the Country China.The 6 Passage is in the Portable Document Format Sector / Diversification  / PDF Center just in he ACT-4 Diashow ( EXE FORMAT ). And the 7 Passage here in the ( M & D 5 ) Sector.

And the 8 is in the Justice & Law Terms / Bloomberg Sector. Great Enlisted.


Especially for the time to expect having the Slider ready & accomplished does come to a chiffre like 1 Hour to wait . The other ( M & D ) Modellierung & Design 1-5 Sectors  are same as in this latency to have patience at it all. So all M &D Zessionen from the Black Indexation Inbox are in a Latency of 1 Hour to wait till the Protokolle is coming. But this is dependent from the country and origin of civilization of world's part  you is coming from as far as the speed to load .So it's all optimzed by accessibility tempo & internet speed by uploading the sectors. 


The best Program you can achieve by having short time to watch is not to touch the screen. Let it static around the picture.

Complete Upload Time Approximately 1 Hour sometimes 45 Minutes. But this is dependent on internet speed & tempo.So in North America is toldly other Upload & Speed Circumstances than in Europe or Asia in different Countries all over the world.

Contigently and maybe the M & D Sectors are also  available on@Smartphones. I'm questioned.


EN / DE Formatted


So in the Arabian Sector oftenly the graphic logo from " Ministry of Foreign Affairs  " Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia appears. For the Modellierungs & Design Sector ( M & D 5 ) it has no Connection & Assimiliation or Alignment  for the further graphically circumstances in the picture. It's only chosen out of how great this Logo is looking in the Graphically Book Print. Like i said, this Logo has no meaning for the other parts in the Graphically Book Print. Also for further details of the ( KSA ) in the M & D Sectors click on the Andreas. P. Design & Modellierungs Corp.LTD Sector. There is a further Protokoll & Description about Saudi Arabian Content in the M & D Sectors.


( Rewritten 27.07.2022 ) 



EU /(  4000  )Protokollierungen  / Europe / Protokoll /(  M & D 5 ) Sector / Western Civilization / Germany/ 16.04.2022 Release Date



Eurozone / EU / Timezone UTC / GMT +2 / Western Region of World / Actually ( Exact Time of Update Release ) 19:46 Time ( Update ) of Sector / Date 27.07.2022



All United from M & D Sections now 5  & Exemplars just Ensemble  are 21.000 Protokolle  



Now 6500 ARABIAN ( KSA ) Protokolle united and over 10.000 Makaveli ( Machiavelli ) Protokolle and Geography ( Atlas ) also affiliated plus Intercontinental Continent Operative Protokolle in a Digit & Chiffre over 3000 apiece in the


Gallery.Modellierungs & Designer Sectors united counted. Approximately ( 195 ) Countries Officially from World



World / News / Intercontinental Continent Project ( Update 1 ) in Content & World Driven Industry and Affiliation. A.P. P


In supplementary Details of great schematic Portrayal of World Politics & World Driven Industry /   (CET ) UTC / GMT+2 Time EU / World 


( World Economic Model ) Weltwirtschaftsmodell / Futuristic Planning & Productivity involved from a long Bandwidth and Scale ever more Possibilities & Chances also Opportunities  will be at circulation of the  Corporation.